3 Apps I Use Every Day On My Chromebook

3 Apps I Use Every Day On My Chromebook

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I get asked quite often what things I use on my Chromebook. The truth is, I leverage Android and Linux very little as I am a bit of a web purist. If I can accomplish a task via some sort of web service, that is where I am headed. When I started my Chromebook journey in 2011, this wasn’t an easy task. Back then, there were far fewer web applications available and far less web-based alternatives to the things I needed to do my job on a daily basis.

Back then, it wasn’t’ easy, but these days things are quite different. At this point, my job is decidedly different, but that doesn’t change the fact that I was working every day as a web developer on a Chromebook before transitioning full time to Chrome Unboxed. With great tools for photo editing, graphic/vector editing, and coding all available via the web, a Chromebook is a great productivity tool if you know where to look for your services.

Read more: https://chromeunboxed.com/3-web-apps-every-day-chromebook/

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