[2025] Getting Windows Ready Stuck | How To Fix Getting Windows Ready Don’t Turn off Your Computer

[2025] Getting Windows Ready Stuck | How To Fix Getting Windows Ready Don’t Turn off Your Computer

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Channel Avatar Tenorshare 4DDiG Data Recovery2024-01-15 13:00:48 Thumbnail
In today’s video, I will introduce 7 methods to fix /”Getting Windows Ready/” Issue. From method 3, we will enter the advanced option to fix this issue. Or you can try 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius: https://bit.ly/47A8h3m

#gettingwindowsreadystuck #gettingwindowsreadydontturnoffyourcomputer #computerstuckongettingwindowsready

00:00 Intro
00:20 Method 1: Leave The PC Loading
00:36 Method 2: Force Shut Down The PC
00:59 Method 3: Use Startup Repair
01:27 Method 4: Use Uninstall recent updates
01:50 Method 5: Use System Restore
02:12 Method 6: Reset The PC
02:25 Method 7: Use 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius

Related Article:
How to Fix Getting Windows Ready, Don’t Turn off Your Computer in Windows 10/11

Related Guide:
Windows Boot Genius Guide: How to Use 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius?

Related Video:
[7 Ways] Getting Windows Ready Stuck Fix | Getting Windows Ready Don’t Turn off Your Computer 2024

How to fix Getting Windows Ready?

Method 1: Leave The PC Loading.
Sometimes, updates take longer than expected, especially on older computers.
Give it some time to finish configuring in the background.

Method 2: Force Shut Down The PC.
Press and hold the power button for about 10 seconds to completely turn off your computer.
Then, disconnect all peripheral devices and the power cable for a few minutes.
Reconnect everything and power it back on.

Method 3: Use Startup Repair.
Try accessing the Advanced Startup Environment by powering off and on your PC while the Windows logo appears.
Repeat this process three times to enter the environment.
From there, select Troubleshoot, then Advanced options, and finally, Startup Repair.

Method 4 is to uninstall recent updates.
Access to the Advanced Startup Environment by repeat press power off button three times, as we mention in last method.
After that, click Trouble Shoot, and Advanced Options.
Then choose Uninstall Latest Quality Update, or Unnistall Latest Feature Update.

Method 5: Use System Restore.
Access to Advanced Startup Environment by three times repeatly turn on and off the PC
Click Troubleshoot, advanced option.
And click System Restore.
Select your administrator account, and input your password.
Finally, follow the instructions to finish the restore.

Method 6: Reset The PC.
In the Advanced Startup Environment, click on Troubleshoot.
You can choose Reset this PC, and choose Keep my files.
And wait for done.

Method 7: Use 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius To Fix The Issue
4DDiG Windows Boot Genius is a useful and simple tool to help you fix the blue screen issues without typing the commands.

Launch 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius on another PC.
Insert a USB Drive.
Create your USB Drive to be a boot disk to repair your dead computer.
Click Continue.
Now, we can wait for it to finish downloading.
Then, insert this boot disk into your dead computer.
Follow the instructions, and put the computer into the boot menu.
For my computer, it’s DELL.
So, quickly press F12 again and again, on the Windows logo screen, until you get into the boot menu.
Then, click your USB from the left UEFI Boot Devices.
After loading, you can use 4DDiG Windows Boot Genius to repair your computer.
Click Automaticed Repair.
Choose the operating system partition.
In the end, we need to wait for it to finish, and your issue will get fixed.

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