20 Fun Linux  Commands You should try

20 Fun Linux Commands You should try

HomeOther Content20 Fun Linux Commands You should try
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Channel Avatar SAIDEEP DICHOLKAR2017-05-29 18:03:36 Thumbnail
Today we’ll have some Fun with Terminal on Ubuntu.
Some of the commands are inbuilt & will work but for other commands you’ll need to install them.

To install those packages just type the following command:

sudo apt install /”package_name/”
(without /” /”)


00:36 figlet
00:48 sl / LS
01:31 pi
01:41 factor
02:07 telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl
03:10 xeyes
03:29 yes
03:50 banner
04:04 toilet
04:14 toilet -f mono12 -F metal Welcome
04:36 fortune
05:15 cmatrix
05:41 apt-get moo
05:51 screenfetch
06:07 espeak
06:44 oneko
07:13 while true; do echo /”$(date ‘+%D %T’ | toilet -f term -F border –gay)/”; sleep 1; done
07:32 aafire
07:53 bb
08:40 echo /”How was the video? Please hit the Like button & Comment below for your feedback. Subscribe for more Awesome upcoming content./” | pv -qL 10


Live boot Ubuntu on USB without even installing: https://youtu.be/n-nS660EmYM

Try these cool tricks on Bash on Windows too: https://youtu.be/UFmOzHaq2Ds

Subscribe (IT’S FREE) : https://goo.gl/Rh8SQQ


Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Song: Syn Cole – Feel Good [NCS Release]
Video Link: https://goo.gl/Eksjtp
Song: Electro-Light – Symbolism [NCS Release]
Video Link: https://goo.gl/zIc58C

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