15 Practical Things You Can do With an Old Computer

15 Practical Things You Can do With an Old Computer

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Channel Avatar Adventures in Nostalgia2021-01-29 13:00:06 Thumbnail
In this video, we’ll show you 15 practical things you can do with an old computer that still works. From fixing it up to turning it into a media server, there are plenty of things you can do with an old computer that’s just waiting to be used!

00:00 what to do with old pc
00:10 working with hardware
00:43 learning how to solder
01:17 experiment with linux
02:09 home server or network attached storage
02:55 media server, file server, web server, email server, or dedicated game server
03:35 external firewall or router
04:05 retro gaming or emulation
04:37 TiVo / slingbox
05:19 arcade machine
05:44 guest room or kitchen pc
06:33 surveillance system
07:11 kids first computer
07:34 set-up a live weather station
08:03 sell it for parts or as a complete system
08:32 donate

If you’re like most people, your old computer is gathering dust in your closet. But don’t let that old machine sit there unused – there are lots of things you can do with an old computer that will make your life a lot easier! If you’re looking for ways to use your old laptop that’s been gathering dust, then this video is for you! We’ll show you some fun and practical ways to use your old computer to its full potential, from turning it into a music server to using it as a home cinema receiver! So sit back, relax, and let us show you how to get the most out of your old computer! If you’re looking to get some use out of an old computer that you no longer need, then this video is for you! We’ll show you some easy ways to fix it up, turn it into a media server, and more. If you’re looking to declutter your home or office, then this is the video for you! there are a lot of fun things you can do with an old computer. This video is packed with tips and tricks on how to reuse an old computer to make it work better for you! After watching this video, you’ll know how to turn an old computer into something useful and practical! Whether you need a new computer or you just need to free up some space, these 15 ideas are sure to help you out!

Tired of your old computer gathering dust? Don’t throw it away! This video reveals 15 SECRET ways to REUSE your old computer. From FREE media server to RETRO GAMING & DIY arcade machines, discover the HIDDEN POTENTIAL of your old tech. Breathe new life into your PC & SAVE MONEY today!

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Using Windows XP FOREVER!
Automatic Updates for Windows 7 After 2020 – How to Get Them
15 Practical Things You Can do With an Old Computer

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