10 FREE Windows 11 Apps to Replace all the Default Ones

10 FREE Windows 11 Apps to Replace all the Default Ones

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Channel Avatar Productive Tech2025-02-02 16:24:31 Thumbnail
Windows 11, it was supposed to bring a more modern and cohesive design. Yet approaching more than 3 years later it’s full of design inconsistencies and poorly designed application. So in this video I’ll go over 15 applications that can replace the default ones in windows that are modern in design while also providing more functionality as well. I guarantee there will be at least a few apps on this list that you had never heard about.

Though if you’re looking for some more Windows apps content then be sure to check out the playlist below!

Windows apps playlist – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLroyKBchlfEkWBv6Q7CEizvTGtyvb8fLq

0:00 Intro
0:17 Image Glass
0:56 ScreenBox
1:55 PDF Gear
2:24 Zen Browser
3:21 Files
3:59 Fluent Cast
4:38 Libre Office
5:10 GIMP
5:43 ShareX and 3 Others
6:50 Qalculate
7:21 Speed Crunch
Screen Box – https://apps.microsoft.com/detail/9NTSNMSVCB5L?hl=en-us&gl=GB&ocid=pdpshare
Image Glass – https://imageglass.org/
PDF Gear – https://www.pdfgear.com/
Zen Browser – https://zen-browser.app/
Files App – https://files.community/
Fluent Cast – https://luandersonn.com/fluentcast/
Libre Office – https://www.libreoffice.org/
GIMP App – https://www.gimp.org/
ShareX – https://getsharex.com/
LightShot Screenshot – https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html
Pic Pick – https://picpick.app/en/
Snipaste – https://www.snipaste.com/
Qalculate – https://qalculate.github.io/
Speed Crunch – https://heldercorreia.bitbucket.io/speedcrunch/

Stock Footage and Icons:
Pexels: https://www.pexels.com/
Coverr: https://coverr.co/
Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
Unsplash (Wallpapers): https://unsplash.com/
Reshot: https://www.reshot.com/
UX Wing: https://uxwing.com/
Audio Sources:
Youtube Audio Libary
Freesound – https://freesound.org/

#computer #windows #productivity

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